

At the intersection of AI and Web3, how does EraAI lead investors into the era of intelligent decision-making?

"Based on cutting-edge technologies such as AI and blockchain, and through in-depth cooperation with partners like D3X, EraAI is leading investors into a new era of 'looking forward' in an intelligent way."

01 The 80/20 Rule

The financial market is not lacking in investors, but rather in smart investors. In fact, smart investors can always seize key opportunities in the market by conducting in-depth research and formulating effective investment strategies, regardless of market conditions or cycles.

As early as 1896, Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto proposed the 80/20 rule theory. In his study of wealth distribution, he found that wealth in Italy was primarily concentrated in the hands of a few, with about 20% of people owning 80% of the wealth. This principle is equally applicable in the field of financial investment and has been further extended in various aspects.

From the perspective of financial market returns, about 20% of smart investors can capture 80% of market returns. These few "smart" investors are typically composed of professional investment institutions, professional investors, and core practitioners in the financial field. These smart decision-makers can accurately grasp first-hand financial news and make optimal and wise decisions in real-time. The remaining 80% of investors, who are smaller long-tail players, stand at the end of resources and information, facing information asymmetry that leads to slow reactions and frequent disruptions. The following cartoon illustrates the current situation of ordinary investors well.

Of course, if we delve deeper into the 80/20 rule, we will also find:

20% of assets may contribute to 80% of returns.

20% of trading strategies may generate 80% of profits.

20% of risk factors may also lead to 80% of losses.

While these points lead to the conclusion that investors should focus on the most important factors to optimize investment outcomes and improve risk management efficiency, for the vast majority of investors, this conclusion is akin to useless "feel-good" advice. How can they identify quality assets? How can they formulate that 20% of strategies? How can they recognize that 20% of risks? After all, 80% of people remain trapped in information silos.

So, do ordinary investors still have a chance? Don't worry, AI is bringing new opportunities.

02 Machines Replacing Humans: A Qualitative Change in Productivity

Since the late 18th century, several industrial revolutions have led to qualitative breakthroughs in human productivity and collaboration. As machines continue to replace humans, human production efficiency has undergone significant changes in just over two hundred years. With the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, technologies like AI are continuously achieving breakthroughs, greatly enhancing human decision-making efficiency. In fact, since technology companies like OpenAI launched a series of AIGC large models, including ChatGPT and Sora, ordinary users have gradually become direct beneficiaries of AI technology iterations.

Currently, existing AIGC large models are typically based on past data, providing users with suggestions through historical data analysis, and even replacing users in fulfilling certain content needs. These AIGC large models function like more intelligent search engines, helping users make informed decisions.

In addition to AIGC models, there are also AI models that focus more on the financial market. These models can provide users with wise suggestions for future investment decisions based on financial historical data, strategy libraries, and algorithm engines.

Although this field is still in its early stages of development, some high-quality and market-validated mature models have emerged, with EraAI being the most representative. EraAI's investment decision model focuses on both the crypto market and traditional financial markets, utilizing a mature strategy system based on automated execution to intelligently assist investors in continuously achieving profits across various domains, including contract hedging, quantitative trading, cross-chain arbitrage, blockchain gaming, and traditional financial industries.

It is reported that EraAI's intelligent trading system averages a daily profit of 0.75% in the trading market (across all market segments), while in the crypto market, the system has achieved a 30% profit trading record over 30 days. Currently, the EraAI system is becoming an important tool for many financial investors in market decision-making.

03 EraAI: Breaking the Information Silos and the 80/20 Rule, A New "Brain" for Ordinary Investors' Decisions

EraAI is a decentralized intelligent financial service platform designed for investors, positioned as the world's first AI-driven comprehensive derivatives service platform. The platform integrates advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and blockchain, and collaborates deeply with the AI financial data analysis infrastructure D3X, aiming to provide comprehensive financial services for investors.

Through EraAI, investors can obtain precise data support and professional market analysis, addressing common issues in traditional financial markets such as information asymmetry, decision delays, and emotional interference. The platform leverages AI-driven intelligent analysis to help investors make wiser decisions in complex financial markets, thereby enhancing investment returns and optimizing the investment experience.

Three Core Technologies

Focusing on the EraAI platform itself, it mainly consists of three core components: the AI intelligent engine, the intelligent trading system, and the data analysis system. Different components ensure the efficient operation of the intelligent system.

EraAI's Brain: AI Intelligent Engine

The AI intelligent engine is the brain of the EraAI ecosystem, integrating a massive model algorithm with trillions of parameters and a powerful computing engine in a distributed manner, along with a real-time updated database of different financial markets. It continuously trains and refines its AI models through blockchain governance, optimizing strategy libraries and algorithm models.

This intelligent engine is driven by a highly scalable, high-performance, and highly compatible operating system (compatible with various blockchains and financial systems), enabling efficient data mining and continuously providing professional consulting advice to ordinary investors, investment institutions, and corporate users. With the support of partners including D3X, EraAI's AI intelligent engine has reached an industry-leading level.

Execution Mechanism: Intelligent Trading System

Based on the decision-making mechanism of the AI intelligent engine, EraAI has further launched the intelligent trading system, which helps users execute profit intentions with one click to capture optimal returns from the financial market.

Focusing on the intelligent trading system itself, it utilizes the AI engine to continuously capture market opportunities within microsecond timeframes, executing trading strategies at ultra-high frequencies, significantly enhancing traders' profit efficiency. Importantly, the entire trading execution process is based on smart contracts, executed in a decentralized and automated manner, ensuring trustworthiness and security. Currently, the intelligent trading system offers services including intelligent arbitrage, strategy trading, and copy trading bots. With these services, ordinary investors can achieve stable and secure profits without making their own decisions and engaging in trades.

By providing diverse trading solutions, EraAI is significantly lowering the opportunity and profit thresholds for ordinary investors. EraAI is continuously collaborating with a series of strategic partners to achieve technological cooperation and is making groundbreaking progress in ultra-high-frequency trading and intelligent trading.

Power Engine: Data Analysis System

The AI system relies on data as its energy source; only by traversing comprehensive and real-time financial data and on-chain data can the model maintain its advanced nature. Currently, EraAI's data analysis system serves as the power engine of the EraAI platform, capable of processing on-chain and off-chain data through NLP models and a distributed data network. Additionally, by combining social media sentiment systems with market data, it can gain multi-dimensional insights into market sentiment and potential market trends. The data analysis system will deeply integrate with the AI intelligent engine, providing users with professional analysis of market data across various industries and powering the operation of the intelligent trading system.

With a well-established AI engine system, the EraAI system is already capable of achieving stable profits in contract hedging, quantitative trading, cross-chain arbitrage, GameFi, and various real industries. As more partners and traders join the system, EraAI's profitability and profit scope will continue to expand.

Top Partner D3X

D3X is an important technical partner of the EraAI platform. Currently, EraAI is achieving a series of functional expansions through deep integration with D3X.

As a next-generation AI financial data analysis infrastructure, D3X can gain real-time insights into all data indicators in the on-chain market, including on-chain trading data, market sentiment (bullish, bearish), and sudden events, responding to market changes at millisecond speeds. Meanwhile, D3X utilizes AI technology to collect information from various sources, conducting sentiment and technical analysis to establish personalized financial profiles. By analyzing users' trading history, behavior, and risk tolerance, D3X provides a customizable and automated personal financial assistant tailored to individual investment preferences, enabling traders to make informed decisions and improve trading efficiency. The collaboration with D3X helps the EraAI platform further establish and deepen its technological advantages, including iterations on AI intelligent engine algorithms and further improvements and innovations in data systems.

At the same time, the new integration is enhancing the security of the EraAI platform. The D3X system continuously monitors on-chain data in real-time and provides an early warning system to identify abnormal transactions and potential risks, ensuring the safety of user assets.

On the other hand, D3X is a well-known AI platform in the financial market, having received investments from several leading institutions and established partnerships with multiple well-known blockchain projects. D3X's successful operation in the market and its industry influence not only provide EraAI with strong endorsement and market trust but also enable rapid growth by leveraging D3X's market resources. Through collaboration, EraAI can quickly penetrate the mature market network established by D3X and continuously expand its user base.

Additionally, EraAI is currently deeply integrating with multiple technical teams at the technical level, achieving seamless connections between leading AI and blockchain technologies, and collaborating with various partners on data resources, allowing EraAI to conduct more precise market analysis and investment decision-making.

Through deep cooperation with a series of quality partners, including D3X, EraAI will not only continue to achieve iterations and breakthroughs in technology but also, supported by vast market resources, rapidly expand its market presence, enhance brand power, and continuously capture funds and users under a global and compliant strategy, accelerating its development process.

Compliance and Global Operations

Compliance is an important "pass" for the sustainable development and expansion of the financial ecosystem platform. EraAI adheres to the principle of compliant operations. The platform was registered in the British Virgin Islands in 2022 and holds a legal license issued by the local government. Based on this compliant license, EraAI can conduct business and expand its market in many financially promising regions. Meanwhile, EraAI is actively promoting compliance processes in Southeast Asia, Europe, North America, and other financially promising regions, applying for a series of financial licenses. It is also advancing deep cooperation and integration with mainstream financial institutions, leading cryptocurrency exchanges, and well-known DeFi projects, continuously expanding its business and profitability.

At the same time, EraAI is also deeply laying out its business in multiple countries and regions worldwide, rapidly expanding its customer base. Through strategic cooperation with top industry projects, EraAI is expected to quickly expand its market influence, attract more capital, institutions, and users, and continuously advance its global strategic layout.

04 Leading Investors into a New Era of "Looking Forward"

Initially, investors needed to "look back" to make investment decisions, analyzing historical data to identify patterns and continuously making market judgments and decisions. As mentioned earlier, the vast majority of investors cannot escape the 80/20 rule and information silos. Although AI is becoming a tool for most investors to conduct intelligent analysis, most such tools can only help users find data and patterns; specific decisions still need to be established by users, keeping the investment field in an era of "looking back."

Most intelligent arbitrage systems focus solely on a single area; for example, some AI crypto strategy products only focus on the crypto market and cannot provide services for traditional financial investors, while some traditional financial arbitrage platforms only focus on traditional financial markets and typically lack the ability to capture and govern on-chain data.

EraAI, based on the "strongest brain," not only possesses insights into on-chain data but can also provide intelligent strategy analysis based on data, helping investors' decision-making become an important brain for investors, even serving as a solver for users' trading intentions. Whether in data capture, inference training, or trading operation execution, EraAI will operate in a distributed manner based on blockchain, enhancing the overall risk resistance and security of the system.

Compared to focusing on traditional finance or blockchain as a single domain, EraAI perfectly combines both, focusing on innovation across the entire financial field and rapidly occupying users' minds. The financial investment sector is expected to enter a new era of intelligent "looking forward," driving the field's continuous development to new heights. With EraAI, ordinary investors can also become top financial investment masters and become part of the 20% of smart investors in the 80/20 rule.

EraAI itself is backed by both crypto investors and traditional financial investor groups. Currently, there are about 8 billion people globally, with approximately 100 to 200 million being active users in the macro financial market. On one hand, this group of users will be the potential target user group for the EraAI ecosystem, supported by a large user base. On the other hand, the proportion of active financial investors in the global population is relatively low, and EraAI is expected to become a channel to lead more users into the financial field. This means that EraAI, with advantages in many aspects, has extremely high incremental user expectations and is likely to continuously shine in emerging potential markets.

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